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Incoming VoIP virtual phone numbers and low-cost international calls

Stay close to your customers, business partners, family members, and friends who have a local phone number at their own location. Forward and receive calls wherever you want, in your office, at home, or on your phone, anywhere in the world. Use it with a softphone, VoIP phone, PBX, or your VoIP provider. The phone numbers are activated immediately and are ready for use.

With a local number on your phone or mobile phone, callers pay local charges when they call you. Save on international and direct calls with our very low tariffs and a billing cycle of 30 seconds. An unlimited number of incoming calls, low monthly costs, immediate activation of numbers, purchase of credit for the online account – all services provided. Our user-friendly systems simplify the management of your account. Our customer service is first class.

You can answer calls from anywhere around the globe with local numbers. Get your fixed landline number, so your friends can call you on a regular landline number and you can get the call anywhere in the world. It doesn't matter where you are.

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  • Paypal
  • Wechat Pay
  • Alipay
  • Visa
  • Mastercard

All products and services on this website are settled in US dollars.

The price of this website does not include tax.

The first day of UTC International Standard Time is billing.

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